Sabbath/Signs of Spring

Ever since my kids were little we'd go out walking to find "signs of spring." A daffodil up, or tree which seems red on the edges where the new leaves are forming.
Last week a huge flock of geese flew by - not an unusual happening except that there were so many of them. They continued to honk and fly about in an un-geeselike formation. After about 5 minutes of watching them act confused we realized they were not just going back and forth but spiraling up. Back and forth, up and up, for many minutes. Were they disturbed? Was it bird flu? What was going on? Eventually it became clear - they were ratcheting up to catch a good air stream. When they did they went right into formation and headed on their way.
The only reason I saw all of this was that it was Sabbath. For Lent I'm giving up consumerism (staying out of stores on Sunday mostly - a big challenge for last minute linda). Instead of cruising Lowes I was out on a walk with my friend, and we stopped and wondered at the geese. I think that's what God had in mind with the whole Sabbath gig.
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